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How to connect the UPPAbaby bassinet to the UPPAbaby stroller [UPPAbaby bassinet instructions]

The enitre UPPAbaby system was intelligently designed to work seamlessly together. It’s no surprise that the UPPAbaby bassinet connects to the UPPAbaby stroller.

If you have the Vista stroller you already have the bassinet that came with the package. If you have the Cruz stroller, you know will need to buy the bassinet separately. In both cases, the bassinet fits perfectly in the stroller.

Always use both hands to hold the bassinet while installing the bassinet on the stroller.

Here are the steps to connect your UPPAbaby bassinet to the UPPAbaby stroller.

How to connect the UPPAbaby bassinet to the UPPAbaby stroller

The Uppababy bassinet is made to fit perfectly into the UPPAbaby stroller if you follow these UPPAbaby bassinet instructions.

Here is how to connect the UPPAbaby bassinet to the UPPAbaby stroller:

Uppababy bassinet how to FAQ (62)

Step 1

Hold your bassinet with two hands; one on the handle and one on the bottom edge of the bassinet

Step 2

Visually line up the bassinet plastic clips on each side with the receptors on the stroller

Uppababy bassinet how to FAQ (29)

Step 3

Slowly lower the bassinet ensuring the connectors are lined up until you hear a click for each side

Uppababy bassinet how to FAQ (65)

Step 4

Verify the indicator is green at the connector location on the bassinet

Uppababy bassinet how to FAQ (62)

Step 5

Lightly pull up on the bassinet handle to ensure both sides are properly connected to the stroller

Check out our complete FAQ and how to guide for the Uppababy bassinet for more info!